Closing out the 2021-2022 ALA administrative year

Posted On: Wednesday, 31 August 2022

From 2021-2022 ALA National President Kathy Daudistel 

Spending the past several months meeting caregivers and hearing their stories has been an incredible and humbling experience. I quickly learned that in a way, we are all caregivers. I am amazed at the resiliency and selflessness exhibited by the caregivers who continually put others and the mission first. You truly make a difference for those you take care of.
 I loved hearing stories about caregivers — the triumphs, though trying, have been so inspiring!  
I hope the extra emphasis this year through the Auxiliary magazine series on caregivers, presentations of caregiver appreciation certificates, and our series of webinars through ALA Academy have helped bring the caregiver journey to light. I also hope you have found new ways to show the caregivers in your department extra love and attention. 
Please continue taking care of our caregivers. Continue to let them know they are not alone — it is OK to ask for help, and our ALA is here to support in any way they need. We are here and we care! 
Be sure to check out for caregiver resources that can help you or someone you know in times of need. Visit to read stories about caregivers experiencing some of the same challenges as you. 
While traveling this year, I loved seeing new and creative ways units worked our programs. That is so important as we adapt to changing times and continue to be a relevant organization in today’s world. Great job for thinking outside the box, challenging yourselves, and bringing The American Legion Family to the forefront of our communities. I think the public has seen firsthand what we do as a Family and what a difference we do make, leading to new members, volunteers, and donors. 
Thank you for an incredible term as your national president. I learned a great deal from all of you, personally witnessed our mission at work, and was inspired by many new ideas. The hospitality and kindness of everyone I met on my visits was wonderful and greatly appreciated. Our members are the best! 
I hope you continue to remember your why of being part of this organization. Keep working the mission and recruiting, renewing, and retaining new and seasoned members to selflessly serve veterans, military, and their families for years to come. Remember to be kind to each other and embrace the differences we each bring to our organization. We are stronger together! 
Although my time in office is soon ending, in just a few short months, we will be honoring all veterans for Veterans Day. Words alone cannot express enough gratitude to all those who have served our country. We appreciate every one of our veterans. Please take time to recognize them for Veterans Day. 

This holiday is also a great time to distribute poppies in exchange for donations that go directly to assist disabled and hospitalized veterans in our communities. For all your ALA branded poppy needs, visit American Legion Flag & Emblem Sales or (888) 453-4466. Please share your Veterans Day photos on social media to continue showing your communities your commitment to our nation’s heroes. 
Thank you for everything you do, and thank you for allowing me to serve alongside you as 2021-2022 American Legion Auxiliary national president. I won’t forget your kindness, and I hope you continue to do the amazing things you do. I will see you again soon! 

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.