Membership recruiting, retention tools coming your way

Posted On: Thursday, 28 January 2021

Readers of Auxiliary magazine know we include information in every issue about membership. Whether it’s a how-to tip sheet on best practices or a story on the people who make our mission and organization proud, we spend a good deal of time making sure you’re equipped to know everything about the American Legion Auxiliary.

 But there’s something we haven’t published in a while – a comprehensive guide on ALA membership. Recruiting, retention, engagement, and how your dues help you as individual are topics we plan to cover in detail this year.
Each 2021 issue of your quarterly national magazine will contain a meaty story related to your membership. In this series of features, we’ll touch on topics that’ll keep your ALA engines running, and we’ll sprinkle in another dynamic part of growing our membership: The American Legion Family.
Here’s what we have in store for you:
February: Membership recruitment — what to say when. You’re ready to recruit new members. You’re excited about it. You’ve got your script ready in your head. You say, “Have you heard about the American Legion Auxiliary? We’d love to have you as a member!” Everything could go sour if you get a negative response, but we’ve got solutions. 
May: Membership recruitment — a Family affair. Attracting veterans to The American Legion. Sons to the Sons of The American Legion. When we work together, we increase membership across the board. Do you know a Legionnaire who recruits? Tear out the magazine pages and give them to the Legionnaire for suggestions on attracting American Legion Auxiliary members.
August: Membership retention — Great! You got that person to join the Auxiliary. Now what? For some ALA members, recruiting is the easy part. Membership retention, however, is sometimes the most difficult and important. As the American Legion Auxiliary learned in a nationwide survey a few years ago, former members left the ALA for various reasons. We’ll explore the ways current members can keep each other engaged and with a sustained sense of purpose. 
November: Membership retention — what’s in it for me? Joining the American Legion Auxiliary and serving its mission of course brings about feelings of good – we often touch the hearts of those we serve. But there’s also another reason to be part of our fine organization: the benefits … both personal and professional. 
Once the magazines are published, you can view them online at

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.