Selection process for special committee members

Posted On: Thursday, 29 April 2021

We had no idea that a call for members to serve on two special committees would result in 300 applications! We are so impressed with the qualifications of our members.  

Unlike other national appointments, these special committees required a specific skill set and composition in order to achieve their goals. To ensure the most unbiased and objective process possible, a scoring rubric was developed with specific criteria. All applications and resumes were evaluated on a scale of 1-4 (highest). The Inclusion & Diversity committee criteria included knowledge of I&D, experience in I&D, communication skills, and both committee applicants had to answer the question “Why do you want to serve?” The Code of Ethical Conduct committee criteria included legal experience or education, board/leadership experience, parliamentary experience, process experience, and communication skills.

The applicants’ names and any identifying information were removed from the applications, and applicants were assigned a number in no particular order. A selection team of eight national level volunteers and NHQ staff evaluated all 300 — yes, all 300 — applications and 90 resumes. The selection teams met virtually via Microsoft Teams. Because of the expected time commitment involved, applicants who currently serve at either the national volunteer level or at the department level were not considered for these committees. You are already serving the ALA well!

The top scoring candidates were then chosen for an interview. Only at that point were the names and identifying information revealed to the selection team. The selection team then divided into two teams to conduct the interviews for each special committee. All interviews were conducted virtually via Zoom meetings.  The interview format was identical; 30 minutes were allowed for the interview and applicants were asked the same questions in the same order. After all interviews were conducted, the selection teams then made their final recommendations to National President Nicole Clapp.

We are very impressed with the qualifications of the committee members and look forward to their recommendations.

To learn about the members who are serving on these two special committees, check out page 23 of the May Auxiliary magazine. 

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.