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Non-Traditional Student Scholarship

Getting a job or staying competitive in today’s workplace involves showing employers you have the skills and experience to get the job done. In many cases, returning to college is a must. The American Legion Auxiliary's goal is to do all we can to make that happen, and that’s what the Non-Traditional Student Scholarship is all about. This scholarship helps people who are part of The Legion Family, veterans, and the spouses of active duty servicemembers or veterans pursue a college degree later in life or allow them to pick up where they left off when their studies were interrupted. If you’re at this place in life, this may be the right scholarship for you.

View Scholarship Recipients

Scholarships Awarded
One $2,000 scholarship is awarded annually per Auxiliary geographic division. Applicant may be pursuing training in a certified, trade, professional, or technical program, or a two-year or four-year degree program.

Scholarship Deadline: March 1 of each calendar year

Scholarship Rules

  1. Applicants must be:
    • A current member in good standing of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion, must have held membership for the two preceding years (2023 and 2024), and be a paid member for the current (2025) membership year, OR
    • A veteran who served in the United States Armed Forces and was honorably discharged, OR
    • The spouse of an active duty servicemember or a veteran who was honorably discharged.
  2. Applicants must be:
    • a non-traditional student returning to the classroom after some period in which their formal education was interrupted, OR
    • a non-traditional student beginning their education at a later point in life.
  3. Completed applications are DUE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 1, 11:59 PM Eastern.
  4. Judging, at all levels, shall be on the following basis:
    • Academic Achievement   25%
    • Financial Need                      25%
    • Character/Leadership       25%
    • Initiative/Goals                      25%

“Words cannot express how grateful I am to have received the Non-Traditional Student Scholarship for $2,000. The American Legion Auxiliary is a generous organization that I am forever grateful to! Education assistance means the world to this mom of two toddlers, who also works full-time. From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU!”

- Amanda Pfipsen , ALA Non-Traditional Student Scholarship Recipient -