Everyone Wins in New ALA Branding Game

Posted On: Friday, 15 June 2018
 Branding Game

In the spirit of the American Legion Auxiliary’s Centennial Strategic Plan Goal 5 – With The American Legion, Build Brand Loyalty – the ALA Branding Game was created to get you thinking about the brands you know and use, or once used, on a regular basis, why you recognize them, and how you feel about them.

At the end of this fun and interactive three-round game, members will compare and discuss the American Legion Auxiliary brand and challenge each other to care for and promote the ALA brand with a new awareness of how others see the ALA as an organization.

Two versions of the game were created: one for seasoned ALA members, and one for Juniors. No need to exclude our youngest Juniors from the game – just have an adult sit with those who can’t yet read because someone will need to write their answers. The game for senior members includes 20 logos of well-known company/organization brands. This includes some older brands from companies that may no longer be in existence. Juniors will see brands that appeal to a younger target audience. Logos include companies that are newer and may not be as widely recognized outside of Generation Z (born 1995 – 2009).

ALA Branding Game objectives

  • Learn more about branding and how it applies to the American Legion Auxiliary and The American Legion Family.
  • Discuss the importance of branding through review of current company brands.
  • Discover the potential positive and negative consequences of branding.
  • Learn about and discuss public perception for both members and those who aren’t familiar with our organization.

How it works

Log in to the Members Only section at www.ALAforVeterans.org to download the free game pieces: a script for the presenter; a helpful handout on what it means to build brand loyalty; images of 20 various company/organization logos; and a sheet for participants to write their answers.

Print either of the two provided logo files on 8.5×11” paper in color. These images could also be presented to the audience on screen via a tablet, laptop, or projector to reduce printing costs.

Using the game script, review the provided handout Building Brand Loyalty with the audience. This will establish the importance of branding and the intent of the presentation, as well as define a baseline of terminology and general knowledge about brand names and branding before beginning the game.

The game is played in a series of three rounds. Rounds 1 and 2 should move swiftly, encouraging users to write down first thoughts without discussion. Audience interaction is encouraged in Round 3, as discussion on impression and brand occurs. Using the script, review the introduction of the game with the audience.

The Branding Game should take a minimum of 45 minutes with up to one hour, depending on audience discussion and interaction. Tailor the script to your needs – if you’re presenting the game during a unit or department meeting, cut the logo portion short if you’re running behind schedule or your audience is losing its attention span.

Close out the game with a review of the effects of positive and negative branding. The activity ends with action items and a challenge to the audience on how to become American Legion Auxiliary brand ambassadors.

Your takeaway after playing 

What are positive ways members can share and promote the ALA brand and The American Legion Family as an organization to support and join?

The newly revised ALA Branding Guide contains even more helpful information for members on emblem usage, guidelines and suggestions for T-shirt printing, social media updates, website creation, more detailed photography/video guidelines, and a clearer explanation of the ALA brand promise and voice. Log in to the Members Only section at www.ALAforVeterans.org to download your free copy today!

This information was previously published in the August Auxiliary magazine. 

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.