Honoring Veterans, Military Always Unites Our Diverse Legion Family

Posted On: Wednesday, 08 November 2017
Honoring Veterans

Photo: Paris Post 1/Facebook

In America, Nov. 11 is known as Veterans Day. But in France, and several other countries, that day is still referred to as Armistice Day.

American Legion Paris Post 1 commemorates Armistice Day in ways similar to how many Legion Family post homes often do in the United States.

“We jointly laid floral wreaths with our VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) comrades at the Lafayette Escadrille Monument at Marnes les Coquettes France and the American Military cemetery at Suresnes, France. Both of these places are burial places for Americans who served here in France during World War I,” said Paris Post 1 Commander Edwin Canady earlier this month about their previous Armistice Day events. “We will plan to do the same thing on November 11th of 2017.”

Whether we call it Armistice Day or Veterans Day – whether we’re talking about a post home in Paris, France, or Paris, Texas – Legion Family members take the time to pay tribute to military veterans on this solemn anniversary.

Yes, there may be differences among people of various nationalities, races, religions, cultures, and backgrounds. That’s OK. Diversity can bring many gifts and strengths, including the opportunities for understanding and enrichment. Plus, those differences make us who we are, and should be embraced.

But we should also embrace our similarities. Those are the things that connect us as members of the human race. And, they connect members of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion, and American Legion Riders.

Within The American Legion Family, we welcome diversity and celebrate it for the fine woven tapestry it creates. Like actual tapestry, each thread retains its individual value. At the same time, those individual threads interlock, and, together, form something strong and beautiful.

As individuals and as a Legion Family with a diverse membership, we unite around the concept that veterans, military, their families, and their sacrifices need to be honored on Veterans Day … and every day.

This Nov. 11, even if you can’t honor veterans by participating in or attending a special group event — a memorial service, wreath laying, or parade — take a moment to give some thought to our veterans, military, and their families. Say a prayer for them, if you’d like. Observe a moment of silence. Or, personally thank a servicemember or veteran.

Whether we do something individually or as part of our diverse Legion Family, isn’t honoring them in some way the very least we can do?

History Highlights of Armistice Day/Veterans Day:

  • Armistice Day marks the implementation of the temporary truce in World War I — between the Allies and Germany at the 11th hour on Nov. 11, 1918 — until the final peace treaty, the Treaty of Versailles, was signed in 1919.
  • On Nov. 11, 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day in America. The idea was that every Nov. 11, business activity would cease for two minutes starting at 11 a.m. Parades and public meetings also were to be held to mark the day.
  • Congress passed legislation in 1938 making Nov. 11 a legal federal holiday, and the name was changed to Veterans Day from Armistice Day when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation for it in 1954.

(Source: U.S. Army’s Center of Military History)

To learn more about American Legion Paris Post 1, visit American Legion Paris Post 1 HOME and its Facebook page: The American Legion Paris Post #1 – Paris – Organisation à but non lucratif  Facebook

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.